Saturday, January 28, 2023

5 Ways to Lose Weight for You Who Love to Eat

When looking for a way to lose weight, many people use how to reduce the portion of a meal, or even reducing the number of meals. In fact, there are the type of person who likes or hooked. For people like this, restricting food is torture and it becomes difficult to do.

How to lose weight if you like to eat

1. Eat small plates sharing

Packed with small plates can keep you can eat the foods you love, but with fewer servings. Researchers at the University of Groningen found that 70% of the plates that look full, it is more popular while eating.

So, using small plates might make as if your plate is full. But if left to the plate normal portions a little more. It can also trim the excess caloric intake. You can eat great numbers without having to make the needle move towards the right scales.

2. Choose carbohydrates containing plenty of fiber, such as whole wheat

While fulfilling the desires of the self who always want to eat, it's good You slowly replace the carbohydrates you with food made from whole wheat (whole wheat). Try to replace the everyday staple foods such as white rice or fresh bread, whole wheat bread and rice with red.

Food made from wheat and grains are safe if eaten in great numbers. In addition, the fiber in oats can make your body's satiety durable, so it can be a powerful way to lose weight.

3. Replace sugary foods with a healthier alternative to other

Reducing sugar is one of the rules that must be applied as a method of losing weight. For those of you who love the hobby and packed, this may prove difficult.

But no need to worry, you can still eat sugary foods by replacing sugar with natural sweeteners such as stevia sweetener from the leaves.

Plant stevia natural sweetener it is sugar free and contains zero calories, suitable for diabetics and for those of you who are on a diet. In addition, the leaves of stevia have content of taste sweeter than sugar, so fit, healthy and safe for those of you who like to eat sugary foods.

4. Drink two glasses of water before eating

Drink water as much as 2 glasses before a meal can help you feel fuller while eating. Drinking water is another way to eat less and lose weight. According to some research, the habit of drinking enough water before eating it managed to reduce the weight of the body on fat people.

5. Multiply protein foods in the daily menu

One of the ways this one is quite powerful to lose weight and build muscle mass of the body. Foods that contain protein such as red meat, chicken, milk, whey protein, and is an essential nutrient in maintaining muscle while you're trying to lose fat, so as not to cause a thin body with excess fat.

The experts also recommended to set meal times every 3-4 hours. It is aimed at keeping blood sugar levels steady and keep your body stay healthy.

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Article Source: by Steve Buissinne from Pixabay

5 Tips to Lose Weight Naturally

Yes, do a natural diet is the most secure solution for weight loss. Here's how both simple and not suppress excessive body making it safer to go to the imipian body shape.

Already intend to start immediately? Refer to the first five natural diet tips below:

1. Do not let the body starve

Diet by holding hunger but instead revenge overeating? Believe me, this case is already a lot going on and a long way from success.

Leave the stomach until the condition is very hungry will just make you even harder refrain when there is food. As a result, you will forget the natural diet with healthy food consumption and even eat anything in sight.

To resolve it, always provide a healthy lunchbox in your bag. The food portions are small but nutritious high like a hard-boiled egg, greek yogurt or bananas can meet the needs of your body instantly without leaving excessive calories.

2. Make sure that your body always hydrated by water white

Do you include people who prefer to consume soft drink while eating lunch in the cafeteria? If Yes, you might have to change that habit now.

It's been no secret if water is the most essential for the body. Indeed, the need for water for everyone. But, by drinking more water can support natural diet weight loss.

Try to drink at least 2 liters of water a day with drinking bottle brings familiarize themselves with you. That way, you'll feel full longer later on if the water needs in the body would be sure.

3. Give enough sleep for your body

Who said the activity could lose weight just sports? Don't get me wrong, sleep any one part of the natural diet!

Our bodies do need exercise, but don't forget to restore the energy back with enough sleep. A lot of research that mentions the custom less sleep can cause a lot of harm to our body, the risk of diabetes for example. This certainly could be a barrier for the body's metabolism is not the maximum.

In order to make your body get maximum changes, fix your lifestyle with sleep, for example 6 to 8 hours a day. That way, your metabolism will join the repaired and ready to welcome the ideal body weight.

4. Reduce salt consumption

If the likes of savory foods, from now on you have to subtract from it.

Reducing salt consumption is one way the famous potent natural diet. Why is this so? Excessive sodium consumption can make our body to process fat metabolism difficulties. Of course, you don't want to stomach and cheeks keep bulging, right?

Try to familiarise yourself with the consuming vegetables, chicken, or eggs without the additional salt. To still get the flavor of savory on the cuisine, you can use the original sea salts containing less sodium or add the cottage cheese into an omelet. By reducing salt consumption, blood pressure you can take control.

5. Make Apple Snacks Mandatory

"An apple a day keeps the doctor away"

Rightly so, it's been no secret if they contribute many reserved natural diet. An Apple has less than 200 calories with protein content and high fiber, so it can help your body to withstand the appetite. In addition, Apple also able to regulate the blood sugar levels to stay stable and ready to keep you energetic. Consumption of Apple at least twice a day, don't forget to eat her skin because there are many fibers there.

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Image by Tumisu from Pixabay

What Is Ketogenic Diet / Keto Diet Weight Loss / Low Carb Foods


What is the ketogenic diet

The energy produced in living beings is produced from three types of molecules: carbohydrate, protein, and fat. Here carbohydrates i.e. glucose is in priority, usually the energy is produced through this method but the ketogenic diet I just reverse it and the energy produced by the oxidation of the fat cells, so through this, our body starts to lose fat faster and in our blood it is Low levels of insulin, so very safe in diabetics, can not increase the insulin spike.

The source of primary energy of all of us is carbohydrate. After the breakdown of carbohydrate inside the body, glucose is formed and oxidation of glucose gives us energy. the excess level of glucose gets stored in the form of glycogen as in muscles and body tissues, After that, the body used it, the next level of energy source is fat cells, after that for energy production fat cells are used and its oxidation will be processed in the liver.

In this condition, the body's metabolism becomes shifted by the brain, too fat oxidation and this continuous process of fat oxidation and this process is also called ketosis because in it the ketone body is formed and This stage is called keto state.

The body's metabolic framework changes in the body, it is called ketosis, and in this digestion, the ketone body is shaped in the liver and it is the principal wellspring of vitality. Fat cells burn faster at this stage and faster the weight loss process but we should keep certain precautions during keto stage, as some of its consequences are also seen.


Ketosis is a metabolic state: it is not completely shifted at once, it takes some time in between 1 to 4 weeks after that metabolic states gradually changes. First of all, the state-of-the-state glucose goes away from the stomach, some new enzymes are formed for it and they metabolize Fat Cells through the liver and energy Produces during this process.

Take some additional supplements during the keto diet

There is a shortage of some things in the body during the keto diet, so we should add it separately to our diet.

We should drink more quantity of water because there is a lack of water in the body.
therefore there is a shortage of B complex and multivitamin. So we should take complexes and multivitamin.

Green leafy vegetables should be eaten, there is fiber in them, and if there is a shortage of fiber in our body then constipation will be developed so that green leafy vegetables containing fiber should be eaten.

Low carbs keto diet is also called low carbohydrate, high-fat diet It is also normal to say that our body's metabolism is just uprooted by it, the normal body acts like growing sugar. But what happens in that fat burn is normal.

When we eat high carbohydrate content, then it creates glucose and insulin, it is the most common in the normal body and whose oxidation produces energy and the insulin hormone.

What should we eat in keto diet

In keto diet, what comes under in keto diet, we should eat carbohydrates in which the amount of fiber is high because fiber does not increase the amount of glucose in our body and is beneficial for our digestion.

Seafood and meat Besides, meat, fish, beef, lamb, and poultry.

low carb vegetables: Broccoli, Cauliflower, cabbage leaf.

High-quality unsaturated fats: high-fat cheese, butternut, Sunflower Seed

Low carb Fruits is Raspberry, Blackberry, and Other Fruits low Glycemic Index Other fat coconut oil with high-fat salad dressings and saturated fat.

Also, read:
foods should be avoided

In keto diet avoided grains like wheat, maize, rice, honey, orange, syrup and more sweet fruits such as apple, banana, orange, potato and sweet legumes.

inputs should be adorned to us. The fat ratio of fat protein and carbohydrate in keto diets fat 70% protein 20% and carbs 5 to 10 % Should be.

Health advantages of keto diet

There are many advantages to keto dieting.

Key to weight-loss

In keto diet weight loss, it is very beneficial for controlling our weight because it does not increase the amount of glucose in the body and the energy is produced by fat, due to which oxidation of directly fat cells remains. It is true that the amount of fat from our body is low and so is the key to weight loss.

Feel a better quality in our skin

While taking keto diet, we do not feel frequently hungry because it is a good source of energy and we feel full of energy and because during the time of taking it, the amount of glucose in our body is reduced, Can also be kept in control. While taking keto diets we feel a better quality in our skin and also in our problem of acne The quality of the skin is better than ever

Boon for diabetics

So the Keto Diet Plan is a new age diet plan and this diet plan is a normal diet plan which contains glucose oxidation and is more beneficial because it does not increase the glycemic index and Blood sugar level is low, or it is like a boon for diabetics.

I hope you will find in this health article some health tips related to healthy foods, Ketogenic diet|Healthy foods|Health tips


Disclaimer: This content including advice provides general information only. It is in no way a substitute for the qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. HEALTHCARE TIPS does not claim responsibility for this information.

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Image by healthguru from Pixabay

How To Burn Fat Fast For Beginners

 Why many people fail to burn fat?

Everyday we are told that "if you want to lose weight, you gotta go on a diet, exercise more, etc." The truth is that those old methods have some truth in them. However, they don't get you very far. It's because we all bought into a half truth method to burn fat and lose weight.

Switching from "junk food diet" to "plant based salad diet"

I have to say that this is all too common. If you wanted to lose weight, the first thing you think of is to start eating salads right? wrong.

When someone switches to a salad diet all of a sudden, the build water weight instead of losing weight. Because they do not have the proper enzymes to digest the soluble fiber in the leaf vegetables that absorbs water.

It takes time for a person to develop proper enzymes to digest a salad. Instead of switching to a salad diet, try starting with fruit and vegetable smoothie with healthy fats from bananas, coconut, flax seed, and avocados for example.

The healthy fats are there to stop you from hunger and from cravings.

Eating Big Breakfast Meals in the Morning

Eating a big breakfast in the morning is probably not the best idea if you are trying to burn body fat and lose weight. First of all big meals tend to slow your metabolism down a bit. Keep doing it everyday and it becomes a habit. Instead try to cut the size of your breakfast meal down or start with breakfast smoothies. Think light meals.

Exercising Too Much in One Day

Another common mistake people make is exercising too much in one day at the gym. They think that if they workout for 3 hours at the gym one day and rest the next two days, they will lose weight. It's not the amount of hours you spend doing a workout, but how many days you workout consistently.

Try working out one hour everyday consistently and see how it will give you results.

High Interval Workouts

In other words high intense interval training. This type of workout is usually done with an interval timer. Like working out nonstop the first minute and then resting the next minute and rest after that and so on.

This tends to give people a better chance at losing weight. Because the interval workouts rev the metabolism to burn more fat at a resting mode. You can also increase the intensity of the exercise by adding more repetitions in one set or adding more sets to the interval timer.

Power Lifting Strength Training

Power lifting or weight training is a great way to increase fat burning in certain places of the muscles. This is a proven method for burning body fat. I recommend it.

Stress and Lack of Sleep

Being under stress at a high level can impact your ability to lose weight. Because often lack of sleep follows stress. There are two hormones in your body called leptin and grehlin.

Leptin controls appetite, metabolism, fat burning ability.

Grehlin tells you when to eat, when to stop burning fat, etc.

When more grehlin is produced in your body, you crave to eat more and more. When leptin is low due to lack of sleep, grehlin increases. To produce more leptin you need to get more sleep.

Too Many Healthy Fats in a Diet

When someone eats too much healthy fat food. Like avocados, bananas, nuts, olive oil, salmon, coconut, etc. it adds calories and a ton of it. It's usually best to keep the healthy fats to minimum. Enough to keep you full till your next meal should be good.

Other Diets on How to Burn Fat

There are tons and tons of different advice for fat burning out there. Like intermittent fasting, detox diets, supplements, pills, garcinia cambogia, etc.

The reason why these diets claim to work is because of one thing. The ability to keep you full till your next meal while you are able to workout and burn body fat.

Comfort Food Habits

Now who doesn't like a bowl of ice cream at night? I know I do... But eating our favorite comfort foods very often can affect our ability to lose weight, because the chemicals in our cakes, cookies, ice cream, etc. add toxins to our body and prevent our liver from absorbing the vitamins and nutrients from vegetables and fruits when we do eat healthy. With that being said, in order to lose weight, yu need to get rid of these comfort foods. That's why I always recommend smoothie diets, because they are filled vitamins, nutrients, and natural sugars instead artificial sugars.

Alcohol, Tobacco, Drugs

If you have bad habits of taking alcohol, tobacco, and drugs, that makes you unable to lose weight at all. Because of the toxins that are in drugs. Alcohol consumption also hinders you from losing weight.

If you would like a simple 3 step fat burning method the click the link below and sign up for my free 3 day email weight loss course. I also will provide unique tips, recipes, and valuable content in future emails.


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Image by Total Shape from Pixabay



Thursday, January 26, 2023

7 Benefits Of Drinking Purified Water


Water in a glass

Everyone has a right to access pure water. As a matter of fact, it is one of the fundamental human rights. 

Today, many countries of the world do not have access to pure drinking water. The good news is that you can solve this problem at a personal level. After all, you can make sure that your tap water is safe for your health. Therefore, it is essential that you look for purification. In this article, we are going to shed some light on the benefits of drinking purified water. Read on to find out more.

1. Human Body is 80% Water

Water makes 80% of the human body. Therefore, it is essential for your health and overall well-being. Besides, these purifiers ensure that you always drink purified water. As a matter of fact, these devices are your friend and protect your life and the life of your family.

2. A Good Alternative to Bottled Water

Bottled water is not good for the environment as millions of plastic bottles end up in landfills. Apart from this, the transportation of these bottles causes the generation of carbon emissions.

So, if you have a purifier in your home, you don't need to buy bottled units. In this way, you can protect the environment.

3. Protection against Damage

Aluminum is associated with Alzheimer's disease. According to research studies, if aluminum makes its way into your brain, it will be extremely difficult to get it out. Therefore, it is essential that you protect your brain from damage caused by aluminum.

4. Saving Money

How often do you purchase bottled water for you or your family members? Of course, all of us purchase these bottles on a daily basis. So, if you want to avoid this approach, we suggest that you install an effective purification system. After all, you don't want to end up wasting your hard-earned money on something that you can get at your home.

5. Avoiding Chlorine Consumption

If you are using city water, know that municipal treatment plants use chlorine to eliminate harmful organisms, such as bacteria. Besides, chlorine is an element that may cause different types of cancer, heart diseases, and respiratory.

6. Protection against harmful elements

Your tap water passes through long pipelines that are full of different types of elements, such as slime. Therefore, the quality of water drops significantly. Therefore, it is essential to install purifiers to purify tap water and stay protected against harmful elements.

7. Instant Access to Pure Water

If you install a good purifier, you have instant access to freshwater. Filtered liquid is free of all types of germs and bacteria. You can use plenty of liquid for drinking and washing your fruits and vegetables. Also, these devices will allow you to use your water for several purposes.

In short, these are just some of the benefits of drinking purified water. If you want to drink pure, you can install a water purifier at your home.

Are you looking for the best water purifier factor? If so, you can go to Olansi China. They can help you opt for the best unit at

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